
Colleen's thoughts on writing, directing and coaching, and her unique take on life itself!

Saturday, June 02, 2007

JR's new BFF

This is Winston when he was a little puppy. He's a French Bulldog.

His doggie parents, oddly enough, are from Russia. They were brought to Seattle by their owners John and Kimberly, who live in Seattle. They taught Winston's parents English (they still bark with a noticeable accent, however).

This photo also includes John's legs and feet and pants and ... drawers, captured when he was .. ah .. studying the newspaper or a book, and, um, Winston - being partial to hammocks and all - saw his chance to .. hop in. Hoping someone would light a match... but no, they just snapped photos.

John hopes and prays you do not recognize his legs if you see him in shorts this summer.

John and Kimberly gave Winston to his new human caretakers, who are my friends (and not coincidentally, John's beloved parents).

Those caretakers, Steve and Lou, also live in Seattle but have a country home in northern Washington State, where a group of writers and our families assembled over the Memorial Day weekend.

Still a puppy at six months and weighing 19 pounds, Winston and my 5-pound Pomeranian JR played, ran, wrestled and went exploring *all* weekend. They exhausted one another with their never-ending energy and excitement. JR, who is two years old, kept the larger pup in check, maintaining healthy boundaries while still matching his French pal step for step, wrestling hold for wrestling hold. JR seemed to know Winston is still a baby because he treated him like one.

They are hysterical - and precious - to watch at play. For their efforts, they received approximately 1,789,325 hugs, kisses and pets (they both counted).

JR offered to sign pawtographs; Winston insisted he was more pupular.

I'm just glad we didn't vote on which of the two is cuter, because I wouldn't want to hurt Winston's feelings .. ;-)

I'm so crazy about Winston's look and temperament, I'm using a French Bulldog puppy as one of the lead characters in my comedy feature screenplay Nothing But The Truth.

Here's a piccie of his daddy Bacon (left) and Winston.

Bacon used to snap impatiently at his wee son, but was trained to chill, share and snuggle.

All together now: awwwwwwwwwww.

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