
Colleen's thoughts on writing, directing and coaching, and her unique take on life itself!

Friday, September 21, 2007

Neither rain nor sleet nor snow ..

Meet Jesse.

He's my mail carrier.

My mail box is a small walk away. Down the long driveway is no big deal when I'm healthy, but when I went through a year and a half of chemo and radiation to kick breast cancer to the curb? It felt like a marathon.

Jesse keeps tabs on his route residents and found out from my neighbors that I was ill, so he started bringing my mail to my door. Like, nearly every day. I received packages from all over the world - a wonderful international online group to which I belonged, The Chalupas, among others, were sending me hats from all over the world because chemo was costing me hair.

Actually, I didn't lose it all the way so many do, but just enough that I looked better in a cap than coiffed.

I still have days here and there that I'm a little under the weather - they come less often. Jesse continues to deliver larger packages to my door, checking up on me to make sure I'm OK.

One thing about Jesse - no matter how miserable the weather, the day or his life might be, he always greets me with that terrific, unfailing smile. I'm sure there were days when I looked like Edvard Munch's painting The Scream, but never felt like it because of that smile.

I know there are lots of complaints about the US Postal Service, and when Jesse has substitutes I have a few myself. I receive letters to other addresses, *packages* to other addresses, late deliveries, etc. Overstuffed mailbox.

Fortunately this doesn't happen often.

Christmas time I give Jesse something *I* would love to receive, and it's the least I can do for someone who watches out for me and all his residents so conscientiously.

Thanks so much for being such a wonderful person - and the world's BEST mail carrier, Jesse!

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