
Colleen's thoughts on writing, directing and coaching, and her unique take on life itself!

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Back to booty camp!


Spring is just around the corner, which means Seattle Weight Loss Boot Camp is back in action!

So there I was in the dark of a cloudy early morning - outside, working out in my t-shirt and long pants and headband on a 45F chilly morning with many other women striving for a healthier, stronger body, rain or shine!

I am so glad I've been working out at my nearby gym over the three months booty camp took a winter break - I remained in good shape - the workout was not nearly as hard for me as it was when I started, though it's always challenging.

Our coach Kimae Dolan, has switched things up a bit in a way I love - there's more attention to us listening to our bodies rather than just doing exercises, walking or running and doing certain yoga poses without any significant internal work.

She's all about nutrition as well, so it's an all-'round body fest. I'm always surprised how many booty camp members seem to start with a great looking body - they're there to up their health, strength, nutrition and holistic approach to their bodies. So even though it also helps women with weight issues, as the name suggests, it's clearly for everyone looking for a better relationship with their bodies.

Oh - I was the only one in a t-shirt; everyone else was bundled up in jackets and hats and muffler scarves, assuming I was *freezing.* Well, truthfully, I was a little chilly at the start - I forgot my gloves in the car. But warmed up right away. Tomorrow, if it's raining, I'll wear a light windbreaker and cap.

Feels good to be back in the tough workout groove, feeling so much stronger and capable! And there's always that feeling of superiority for getting up and out so early!

Oooooh, yeah.

Speaking of which... Wow. I *really* need a nap.


Meanwhile, I know my blogs on political subjects and issues is a real crowd pleaser, so I'm sorry I've taken a break from them - and will continue to avoid writing them for the next couple weeks.

Alas, I am entirely fed up - as in genuinely nauseous - with the overwhelming dose of hypocrisy by so many politicians on both sides of the aisle, as well as the apparently insurmountable stew of corruption in the Bush administration. It will take years - if not decades - to undo the harm done by this administration to this nation as a whole, the three branches of government - legislative, executive and judicial, the military, the eroded state of security for this nation, the dessimated environment, the economy that not only puts the dollar at its lowest value in many decades, if ever; the astronomical fuel costs we will face which also crushes the economy -- all of this topped with our pathetic standing in the world.

The reason for the three branches of government is what's called a system of checks and balances. That system was corrupted and crushed by the Bush administration. There was no oversight of the president's actions, inactions, misfires and horrific mistakes which only landed more taxpayer-supported wealth in the pockets of multinational corporations whose only allegiance is to money.

I'm thrilled young people are getting involved with the political process - we need folks who aren't jaded and who have a belief in hope that we can get our country back. I hope they run for office with the idea of kicking a little booty to make change happen without falling into the mindset that being re-elected and maintaining a certain power that makes them feel they are above the laws they pass are more important than the welfare of our citizens or the nation as a whole.

Like I say, I need a break from these things to get a little balance myself, and to enjoy the heck out of my life these days, doing what I love and hopefully helping a lot of people around me.


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Thursday, November 15, 2007

Booty camp report card!

Well, coach Kimae Dolan gave me the equivalent of straight A's at the end of my second month of Seattle Weight Loss Boot Camp!

I'm thrilled, and as surprised as I am to be doing as well as I am, I know I show up and give 100% every day, just as I do everything in my life. It hasn't actually just been about weight loss for me as much as becoming terrifically fit, nimble, limber, energetic, strong and healthy.

In addition to exercising out-of-doors early four days a week and following up with complimentary activities the other three, Kimae helps us review and renew our eating habits. Mine have changed drastically over the past two and a half months, and I have to say with her guidance it hasn't seemed like a big deal or difficult, but I have been highly motivated and eagerly inquisitive about learning how to do it differently and make it enjoyable.

Groats have been my favorite discovery, thanks to my friends Adrienne and Penny!

Flax bread made with and without flour have been another tasty addition to my nutrition; regular commercial bread no longer has any appeal to me.

OK, here's my booty camp report card from coach Kimae - the numbers indicate my initial test the first of September, then at the end-of-boot-camp month-long sessions in September and October (mind you, none of this is posted to brag, just to, um, inspire you. Right, right. It's all about you...).


Push-Up: 21.5/23.6/*29.6* per minute: EXCELLENT increase here CP! You're one of only 10 people in the entire September Session to have increased her test numbers for the push-up. You should be very pleased with your progress here. These numbers speak to a strong improvement in upper body and core strength as well as overall endurance. Well done!!

**Another strong and steady increase on the Push-Up here CP**

Bum Lift, 35/21: The decrease here reflects both a proper use of form and the endurance of the extra minute added for testing. The numbers here tell me you were working slow and strong, actively lifting the leg, not swinging by on momentum. These are the kind of numbers we want to see for this type of exercise.

Great job here!

Overhead Bicep, 26/35.6: Again, an excellent increase in an area where most participants will decrease with the additional minute added for testing. Great show of endurance and a progressive building of upper body strength!

Plank, 15/63/*100* from an out loud count: Excellent numbers here CP. Shows a dramatic increase in strength and stamina. Very good core utilization as well (Good for toe push-ups!).

**Seriously, that last Plank was amazing!!!!**

I am just so impressed with your progress! Everyone has done really well on their Fit Tests, but you are one in just a few to have strong consistent increases overall.

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Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Booty camp check in

OK, I'm finishing up week #8, my second month - Monday through Thursday - at the Seattle Weight Loss Bootcamp, and has it been a challenge, but it has also changed my life.

As tough as the workouts are - always outside (no matter the weather) because your body eats up more calories when it's active outside - I'm getting better at most. In fact, after the first month, I was one of the most improved participants in all three groups!

It feels great to get up early, put my knee braces on to avoid injury, my head band because I sweat like the winner of the Kentucky Derby, and fingerless leather gloves because grass, mud and other natural elements of the ground and atmosphere abound and I'd rather keep my hands warm and dry.

I'm learning the perfect form for every exercise we do, so some time next year I should be downright buff!

In addition to pushing myself physically and psychologically every morning, I've nearly completely changed my eating habits. Our coach, Kimae, is an encyclopedia of nutrition knowledge, and has made my transition easy. It's an old story - fiber, fiber, fiber, flax, flax, flax, fresh fruits and vegetables, protein, yadda yadda yadda. But she has a way of explaining how each individual can modify their nutrition that made it easy for me.

And there is so much stuff made with flax now that is downright delicious, even bread made without flour. It is more expensive to eat well, but I find I'm eating less so it evens out.

I've dropped a full size and recently started feeling lighter, stronger and more fit than I have in many years - before the big C hit. I'm far healthier now than I was before I had cancer; this is a similar story of many who have had to go through the misery of surgeries, chemo and radiation because we don't ever want cancer to return or go back to the days of sheer misery and pain with more surgeries, chemo and radiation.

The next month's series - it will be my third - starts Monday. I'm continuing my full schedule training there for at least another three or four months (for a total of 5 or 6) full time, then returning a couple days a week to maintain what I hope is an excellent state of fitness.

Currently, SWL booty camp is just for us females, but next year that might change. It all depends on how much more energy Kimae can summon.

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Friday, October 05, 2007

The world's best birthday massage!

Holy moly.

So, there I was, finishing up the fourth week at the Seattle Weight Loss Boot Camp, very happy with all the progress I made (I already signed up for a second month of getting up early and working out in the woods), when there was a drawing for one gift massage for our group.

At a place called Habitude in the northwest Seattle neighborhood of Ballard.

I'd never been there, nor had I heard about it (which shows how much I get out - I discovered later the place has national, regional and local awards for it's renowned massages!), and since I seldom win anything, I stayed busy putting my equipment away when Joy's hand went into the cap. After the faux drum roll, our boot camp leader, Kimae, joining Joy in announcing, "CP!"

I thought they were just calling me to get my attention, but no - *I* won the massage! On my birthday!

I was so happy - after working out as hard as I did the morning of my birthday, I needed a massage! I called immediately for an appointment and, luckily, got one with the masseuse recommended to me, Cory, for late afternoon.

I got the ultimate massage and oh, my goodness. I have never had such a complete, thorough, terrific massage in my life - and I get a lot of massages. This guy is in a spiritual, physiological awareness and physically powerful league of his own.

I told him I felt like a car being detailed by a superb body shop - every dent removed, the engine tuned to a fine point, my tires and chassis realigned, plus a new coat of paint. Muscles, bones and organs readjusted (he did some deep tissue work I've not experienced before, and became acquainted with every tendon and ligament in my bone structure).

What a gift! What an experience. Admittedly, after the workout yesterday morning and the muscular-skeletal makeover, I can barely move today ...

But it was worth it!

Interestingly, at the end of the 90-minute massage, he gave me stretching and icing information for any muscular discomfort I might experience. I thought he was giving me suggestions for dealing with aches and pains from working out at Boot Camp. Nope, it was also - perhaps particularly - for his reformation work, since it's the first time I've had such deep tissue work done.

Mind you, the choice of additional deep tissue work was mine, I could have also had a lighter pressured massage, but Cory was concerned that I get as effective a treatment as possible since I'm still recovering from chemotherapy, radiation, cancer ubermeds and working out at boot camp.

It was another surprising, outstanding and healthy contribution to the enjoyment of a pretty special and memorable birthday week-long celebration; with any luck I can drag this thing out even longer! ;-)

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Thursday, September 13, 2007

A report from fitness boot camp!

After my first week at the Seattle Weight Loss Boot Camp I'm thrilled to report that it's tough, it's challenging, and it's for those of us who want to get down and dirty (um, literally as I discovered) and get fit as the proverbial fiddle.

Our "Drill Instructor" turns out to be a knowledgeable, caring, nurturing and demanding coach, Kimae Dolan. She understands the physical and nutritional sides of being healthy and fit, and knows how to work with cancer survivors like me who have undergone extensive chemotherapy and radiation.

Fortunately for me, she is not humor-challenged and appreciates those of us who enjoy hard work! I love to sing (OK, this may come to a vote, I understand..) and encourage others as I push myself as much as I can - or have been instructed to.

There are some terrific women in my group. All ages, races and body types. Of the three morning groups she coaches, ours is the smallest - between 8 and 9 of us depending on the day.

We do everything outside because as studies have found, that is the fastest way to lose fat. Walking the uneven terrain, dealing with a variety of temperatures and humidity, it all adds up to more of a physical challenge than a floored room with a comfortable temperature.

That's not to say those cushy conditions are ineffective - just that being outside consumes more calories!

Walking and running up trails and hills, working with weights, doing lots of exercises - familiar and new - all add up to me feeling pretty doggone great today. I'm already lighter, and eating more carefully because I don't want to undo and regain what I've worked hard to lose!

Sleep is very important - we have to get rest or we'll get sick because of the demands being made on our bodies. I've been unbelievably good about getting to bed early since the alarm goes off before dawn to line up on time to hit the trail.

Each boot camp series runs for four weeks - meeting every morning, Monday through Thursday.

I think two elements make it even more successful for me: first, knowing that someone is expecting me (as I look forward to seeing the great women I've met), and second, being coached by someone who not only cares about her clients but is extremely knowledgeable using a holistic approach to nutrition and approaches to specific, individual physiological challenges that need attention to become optimally physically fit.

Of course, if I were the slightest bit competitive .. I suppose I might push myself a little more to, ah, you know .. keep up .. ;-)

I'm already planning to sign up for next month's workouts. Expect before and after photos when the "after" happens!!

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